Welcome to the brand new for 2009 Rock Cricket Club Blog!
There’s still some stuff to sort for this, and of course we need readers of this blog – please tell everyone who may have even the slightest interest in our club.
You may notice that there are a few links to the side here. As no one could remember what the web address was for all the fixtures and stats etc on play-cricket.com I have included it here for easy finding. This will hopefully become the hub where all club information can be accessed easily.
For the nerds (or those with little in the way of a life – yours truly included) Rock CC has a Twitter account! Initially this is to give followers almost live updates on the team’s scores/results on match days (dependant on mobile signal). Or we can just read about Stephen Fry stuck in another lift!
With a little help from club members and past players etc who may have photographs they wish to share, the Flickr gallery will hopefully fill over time. If you have any photos please forward them to me via rockcricketclub@yahoo.co.uk
Cheers for now!